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For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

— Romans 6:23


Once we genuinely understand our need for someone to pay that price for our sin, a "Saviour"... we need to genuinely believe that Jesus Christ actually did it. Anyone can say it or acknowledge it, but do you REALLY believe it?  - This is where I would suggest you pray to God for understanding of what He did for you to save you. When you genuinely understand the Grace of God, and realize that we are meant to live for Christ, you need to accept His gift of salvation – admit He has saved you, and turn away (repent) from your sin. The reading of The Bible is a must, as this is the way we read the words of God. It is to be our guide, and source of knowledge about God.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

— 2 Timothy 3:16-17


 Many people have different opinions. There aren't any magic words or phrases, but with a genuine heart you can say something like this, as a prayer to God:




"Dear God,  


I believe in you. I've came to the conclusion that I truly need you to save me. I realize I am a sinful being, and I am indeed in need of your grace.  I believe that you died on the cross for my sins, and I understand that you need to be Lord of my life. So God I give my life to you, I do not know much, but please teach me. I want to live for you, and I want to be a follower of you, O' God.     Please hear my hearts cry O' Lord, and speak to my heart. Bring people into my life that will make me come closer to you. I know this isn't an act of words, but an act of my faith. Do a work in my heart, and guide me everyday, starting today. Amen."

       If you decided to poise your heart towards God by offering up such a prayer, that is great news. But I must tell you, that just because you prayed a prayer, it doesn't mean that you just magically got saved. You see, this point of realization & surrender that you are committing to right now is the turn around point in your spiritual life. It all begins from here. Jesus did not call us to just say a few words and then go on living life as normal. He called us to believe and turn away from our sins. We need to be willing to deny ourselves and take up our crosses daily (Luke 9:23), while surrendering everything to Him (Luke 14:33). The cost to following Christ is immense, but it is truly the only way to salvation. It will take much prayer & discipline, but a heart that truly seeks God will be transformed and do many things for the Kingdom of God.


Living a christian life is not just about attending church, and doing church related things. These things are good, but the most important thing is that you examine yourself daily

(2 Corinthians 13:5), and strive to always be in relationship with God. Sin will happen, that is why Jesus died, but we must strive for holiness. Honestly there is not much I can do, but I encourage you to read your bible and pray to Jesus Christ. He will reveal himself to you and you will know what to do.


He will never let a genuine seeking heart to be lost!

There aren't any unique formulas that I can tell you in order for you to "get" God, but I can guide you to the path of salvation.
The beginning stage to receiving Jesus Christ, is you have to genuinely understand your current state as the naturally sinful person you are. You have to realize that no matter how many good things you try to do in your life, that you will always have fallen short of God's glorious standards. (Read Romans 3:23) 
God is not trying to be mean and say you are not good, but rather, He wants you to be realistic with yourself. You may be a fabulous person, but we all have to realize that we are all sinners by nature. We have all broken the 10 Commandments, we are all messed up people and need redemption. We can pay the price of our sins ourselves if we choose so. But that will mean we will have to suffer the consequence of our sins and turn away from God, which would result in eternal separation from God (Hell).


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